Using the t-bib module I can't get the numbered cite option to work with the sectionblocks \startfrontmatter and the like. When I put the publication list inside one of the blocks I get the number only inside that block. In the other blocks the result is [ ]. If I put the publication list outside of any blocks the number appears only in the bodymatter sectionblock. Is this correct behaviour? And how can I fix the problem? Thanks in advance, Peter Here is a sample file: %--------------------------------- \usemodule[bib] \setuppublications[alternative=num,refcommand=num] \setuppublicationlist[criterium=all] \startpublication[k=rayl96, t=book, a={{Rayleigh}}, y=1896, n=45, s=Ray96] \author[]{Lord}[Lord]{}{Rayleigh} \pubyear{1896} \title{Theory of Sound} \pubname{Macmillan} \stoppublication \starttext \startfrontmatter \subject{Front matter} An early book on acoustics \cite[rayl96]. % no number \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \subject{Body matter} An early book on acoustics \cite[rayl96]. % number as expected \stopbodymatter \startappendices \subject{Appendices} An early book on acoustics \cite[rayl96]. % no number \stopappendices \subject{References} \placepublications \stoptext %---------------------------------