2007/12/10, Hans Hagen
Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 20:09:33 +0100 Hans Hagen
wrote: Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
2007/12/6, Steffen Wolfrum
: Am 06.12.2007 um 14:48 schrieb Hans Hagen:
something numbers=oldstyle could be supported but i see no real reason for it since then we end up in endless lists of possibilities (given all kind of combinations) I have not yet played with Lua, thus I can't follow your and Mojca's discussion at that point. But to have a handy way to switch on/off oldstyle figures would be very useful!
"numbers=oldstyle" shouldn't be considered as a theoretical possibility, it is needed quite often.
Steffen The following should work, can't test it at the moment
\definefontfeature[enableoldstyle][onum=yes] \definefontfeature[disableoldstyle][onum=no]
123 \setfontfeature{enableoldstyle} 456 \setfontfeature{disableoldstyle} 789
\stoptext btw, these are attributes and therefore can be used grouped
123 {\setfontfeature{enableoldstyle} 456} 789
Is it also possible to inherit the values from the previuos change, e.g. I have enabled smallcaps and I want to enable oldstyle numerals with another command, I tried this but the old setting is forgotten and only the new setting work, how can I do this.
\usetypescript[palatino] \setupbodyfont[palatino]
\definefontfeature[caps][smcp=yes,lnum=yes] \definefontfeature[onum][onum=yes]
\def\sc{\setfontfeature{caps}} \def\os{\setfontfeature{onum}}
Text 123 \sc Text 123 \os Text 123
i assume ...
Text 123 {\sc Text 123 \os Text} 123
... is meant
no, why should I write this, this make absolutely no sense because why should I enable odlstyle numerals and close the group before I get them. Grouping make sense in real documents but this was only a example and I don't nedd it here. What I want is, write the first "Text 123" write the normal font settings, enable for second "Text 123" small caps but use linings figures or whatever else is the default value, this make sense in tables where I want to use smallcaps e.g. in a title row but the numbers should remain in the local style e.g. table numerals. My third "Text 123" pair should now be written in smallcaps because I set it with \sc and use now oldstyle numerals.
accumulated features is something on the agenda, but we need a proper definition interface for that; sometimes one wants to accumulate, sometines not; sometime one even wants to kill features
I can wait for this but it should be integrated in a not so distand future.
PS: Will the smallcaps key also work in a feature release of the latin modern fonts, thid didn't work at the moment and I was forced to use the Pagella fonts.
maybe there will be a lmroman10 once that has the features merged
No longer oldstyle numerals from the math fonts for latin modern, this sound very good. Wolfgang