Hi, I have a question regarding ConTeXt, XeTeX and the use of Unicode fonts with diacritic characters which I use quite a lot. (Note also that I'm a novice user.) Consider the following extreme example (using Gentium http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=gentium): ------------------- \definetypeface[lucida][rm][Xserif][Lucida Bright] \definetypeface[gentium][rm][Xserif][Gentium] \setupbodyfont[gentium] \starttext Ṯḥíş ıš ā pìėçẹ ȯf ṭēxt. \stoptext ------------------- If you typeset this with 'texexec --xtx', you get very different results with Gentium vis-a-vis Lucida because of the different glyph repertoires of both fonts. This is a bit unsatisfactory because ConTeXt has all the logic already in place to construct most of these these from base characters plus accents where needed. Of course I can go through my Unicode text manually and change all the missing characters to something like \={e}, but that is not a good solution either; having to sift through your entire document because your publisher demands a different font makes you feel more than a bit stupid :) Is there a way to tell ConTeXt what Unicode characters are available in a font and which ones it has to build using TeX's accent functions? I guess in the above example it would be difficult because no regime gets loaded at all. What would be ideal in my case would be a configurable UTF-8 regime where I could specify the following on a per-typeface basis: - character[ range]s which get passed directly to the underlying engine (useful mainly with XeTeX and possibly with Aleph/Omega) - character[ range]s which get constructed from accents - character[ range]s which get used from a different typescript; for example if I have passages or quotations in a script which isn't available in my typescript, it would be nice to say that "all IPA/Greek/Old Church Slavonic" should come from a substitution typescript where these scripts are available and look good. Is such a thing possible? Philipp