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On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:20 PM, Mohammad Hossein Bateni
I am not sure whether I'm missing certain features in the font definition or whether there is actually some bug in how CONTEXT or LuaTeX for that matter handles this font. It might as well be that there is something wrong with the font http://fonts.qurancomplex.gov.sa/?page_id=608, though I doubt that.
Attached is my simple test program and the PDF output, which is annotated to show the problems. You can compare with the reference PNG file I generated via rendering in Chrome. I hope you can see the annotations where I have pointed out the incorrect typesetting, otherwise you can compare the two outputs to notice the difference: for the most part, some diacritics that are not placed in the right location (both vertically and horizontally).
I am using Mac OS X with CONTEXT current version: 2016.04.13 16:46.
Thanks, MHB