Am 22.12.2010 um 17:29 schrieb Jaroslav Hajtmar:
Hello all, I have problem with PDF generating module documentation.
When I use command: context --autopdf --ctx=x-ldx.ctx t-fancybreak.mkiv,
The x-ldx.ctx file is to produce documentation from lua files.
then is all right, but if I use commands:
context --autopdf --ctx=s-mod.ctx --nomode t-fancybreak.mkiv
What do you try to achieve with the “nomode” option?
then I get compilation breaks and I get error message! I compiled using the latest beta version CTX minimals Even before the time everything worked well (in minimals)!!!
Has to do with the rewrite of the verbatim code in mkiv. Here is a minimal example which can be run with “context <filename>” to generate the error: \usemodule[mod-01] \startmodule[type=tex] \startdefinition \TeX \stopdefinition \stopmodule The problem is \startmodule[type=tex] produce the command \Moduletype is is used in s-mod-01.tex to load the syntax hyghlighter for the defintion environment but the module is loaded before \Moduletype is generated and therefore you get the error. Wolfgang