On Sunday 26 November 2006 11:27, Hans Hagen wrote:
setbounds currentpicture to Page ;
Unfortunately the recommended line had no effect. Did I put it in the right place? So here is the file that works (so far!) \setupoutput[pdftex] \definepapersize[bok][width=6.0in,height=9.0in] \setuppapersize[bok][letter] \setuplayout[marking=on,margin=.5in,textwidth=4.5in,width=middle,location=middle] \input fonts.tex \setupcolors[state=start] \starttext \noheaderandfooterlines \startuseMPgraphic{bg} StartPage ; setbounds currentpicture to Page ; path p ; p := Page enlarged -10mm ; path q ; q := Page enlarged -15mm ; drawoptions(withcolor .85white) ; fill reverse topboundary q -- topboundary p -- cycle ; fill reverse bottomboundary q -- bottomboundary p -- cycle ; drawoptions(withcolor .65white) ; fill reverse leftboundary q -- leftboundary p -- cycle ; fill reverse rightboundary q -- rightboundary p -- cycle ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \vglue -1.55in \hglue -.75in \useMPgraphic{bg} \vglue -6.5in %\hglue .2in \BigSans \centerline{Part I} \vskip .4in \Mythe \centerline{Prerequisite for Success:} \vskip .2in \centerline{A Thorough Understanding} \vfil \tfa \page[yes] \stoptext -- John Culleton Able Indexing and Typesetting Precision typesetting (tm) at reasonable cost. Satisfaction guaranteed. http://wexfordpress.com