Dear list, some days ago, I discovered "m-bibles.mkxl". Unless I miss something, I think this may be a way to have parallel texts (such as original text and translation) in facing pages. I would like to be able to sync two text streams, as in the following minimal sample: \showframe\showgrid \setuplayout [grid=yes] \setupwhitespace [none] \definecolumnset [paral] [n=1] \definesubcolumnset[paral][1][1] \definesubcolumnset[paral][2][2] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided] \starttext \startcolumnset[paral] \dorecurse{20}{% \startsubcolumnset[1] \title{Knuth} \flushsubcolumnsets[spread] \stopsubcolumnset \startsubcolumnset[1] \input{knuth} \flushsubcolumnsets[spread] \stopsubcolumnset} \dorecurse{20} {\startsubcolumnset[2] \title{Zapf} \flushsubcolumnsets[spread] \stopsubcolumnset \startsubcolumnset[2] \input{zapf} \flushsubcolumnsets[spread] \stopsubcolumnset} \flushsubcolumnsets[spread] \stopcolumnset \stoptext Sorry, but since the module contains also code for XML handling, I don‘t understand how the whole title and text synching works there. Would anyone be so kind to explain how the sample above could have both parallel titles and texts? Many thanks for your help, Pablo