Am Thu, 23 Dec 2010 23:46:26 +0100 schrieb Martin Schröder:
from what I understand WinEdt kind-of-works with Unicode (as long as all the characters belong to a single codepade, it is able to save and read the file as UTF-8).
It's 2010, not 1995. Forget about editors that don't do Unicode. Especially if they cost money.
Even in 2010 I'm still writing only texts which need the characters from the ansinew codepage. I don't know any language which use a different script. In the few cases I had to insert a greek word in a text I could use ^^-notation or \char/symbol or a transscription. So why should I care if an editor can handle chinese or arabic? Should I really invest a lot of time to get used to another editor only because it has features I will probably never need? -- Ulrike Fischer