Hello, I have a question regarding hanging indentation in startstoplines-environment. So I try to use ConTeXt to typeset poems. In some texts/poems ar long lines, which have to be broken. They should be broken into hanging indentations. That means: Every line of poem should start left. If a poemline is longer than text width, the rest of this line should be indented in a new text line. (just like here) The width of this indentation should be fixed (e.g. 3em). The width of this indentation shouldn't depend on a word. It would be fine, if I don't have to set (poem)linebreaks. Additionally, it should still be able to indent a verse (e.g. a chorus), for instance using narrower. Hyphenation should be switched off inside the poems. So I found \setuphanging, but these instruction seems made another job---indenting a paragraph to be placed right beside the first words of the paragraph. That's the example, which does not work (all lines are indented) %<-------------- snip --------------------------------------- \definestartstop[verse] [command={\setupwhitespace[1.2em]}% % follow the grid ,before={\setupindenting[-2em,yes]% % trial to construct \startnarrower[2em]% % hanging indent \startalignment[flushleft]% % even inter-word-dist. \startlines% % no justification \indenting[first]}% ,after={\stoplines% \stopalignment% \stopnarrower% \endgraf}] \starttext Three lines, first should be broken: \startverse FIRST---this should be one line, please remove linebreaks made by the mail programms or similiar possibly until HERE. SECOND---next line without carriage return or line feed, THIRD---because startstoplines accept linebreaks. FOURTH---is also one who don't make much words. \stopverse \stoptext %<-------------- snap --------------------------------------- Any idea how to do that? Thanks for help Torsten