On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 01:57:22PM -0400, john Culleton wrote:
On Sun, 13 Oct 2013 11:30:54 +0200 Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: Am 13.10.2013 um 06:09 schrieb Ciro A. Soto
: sorry, I just saw an old chain of messages about this question... I fixed it with the translation module. \usemodule[translate] \translateinput[``][“] \enableinputtranslation
Better use real quotation marks “ and ” or \quotation{…}.
Wolfgang ________________________________________________________________________
Why is it better? And why is it so difficult to just reinstall the traditional TeX method of handling quotes? Even the MSWin version of smart quotes using the " glyph would be a worthwhile simplification.
Because the “traditional TeX” was a font hack, if you are fine with using the original Knuth fonts you can still get it. Modern fonts do not implement such a feature. Besides, \quotation{…} provide much more options (like being language sensitive, or handling nested quotes and so on). Regards, Khaled