Hello list, I've got a piece of code that is absolutely aful. Unfortunately (sic) it makes what I want. \defineparagraphs[p][n=2,before={},after={}] \setupparagraphs[p][1][width=.2\textwidth,style=bold] \definetyping [code] \setuptyping [code] [margin=.23\textwidth,before={},after={\vskip-10pt}] \startp Operation: \p AuctionClient::providePersData($p$: Person)\stopp \startp Description: \p Fournit les données personnelles nécessaires à la création d'un compte, encapsulées dans un objet $p$.\stopp \startp Messages: \p{\tt auctionServer\^{}createAccount(p: Person);}\stopp\startcode sender^message(msg: String); sender^requestPersData() \stopcode \startp Pre: \p {\tt true}\stopp \startp Post: \p{\tt if (self.checkPersData(p))}\stopp\startcode then self.auctionServer.createAccount(p) and not(sender.message('Malformed personal data')) and not(sender.requestPersData()) else not(auctionServer^createAccount(p)) and sender^message('Malformed personal data') and sender^requestPersData() endif \stopcode \blank How could I improve that? I've tried a lot of different things but the main problem is that i can't type in verbatim mode because i'm in reduced horizontal mode. Thanks a lot for you help -AJ p.s.: the whole tests documents are there: http://www.tots-ns.net/tests/conception/test.tex http://www.tots-ns.net/tests/conception/test.pdf