On Fri, 23 Nov 2007 18:55:37 +0200
Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky
How can I center the image on a page? I want images to cover the page completely, and since they have proper size (roughly A4), I only need them to be centered. Now they are stuck to the top, leaving a gap on bottom (and same for left-right).
I have the following script (note my Lua trick to process images in a batch). Image names are "Image00001.png" and so on.
%engine=luatex \setuplayout [footer=0mm, header=0mm, topspace=0mm, backspace=0mm, leftmargin=0mm, rightmargin=0mm, location=middle, height=fit, width=fit]
\startluacode for n = 1, 9 do tex.print(string.format("\\externalfigure[Image%05d.png]", n)); end \stopluacode
\def\fivedigits#1% {\ifnum#1<10000 0\ifnum#1<1000 0\ifnum#1<100 0\ifnum#1<10 0\fi\fi\fi \fi\number#1} \dorecurse{9} {\startTEXpage[width=210mm,height=297mm] \centeredbox{\externalfigure[Image-\fivedigits\recurselevel]} \stopTEXpage} Wolfgang