On 2014-08-02, 22:36, Procházka Lukáš wrote:
OK, thanks for explanation.
This means that one has to switch to \os only when a number is to be printed.
So when I want all numbers in the document to be old-style (and also ligatures etc. be kept), I have to:
1) switch to {\os } when writing a number manually,
2) define "old-style-making-commands" wherever numbers are generated automatically, i.e. e.g.:
Just do it the way Wolfgang said, using features: \definefontfeature [default] [default] [lnum=yes, onum=no] \definefontfamily [latinmodern] [serif] [Latin Modern Roman] \setupbodyfont[latinmodern, 12pt] \definefontfeature[oldstyle][lnum=no, onum=yes] \starttext Regular figures: 0123456789 {\addfeature[oldstyle] Local oldstyle figures: 0123456789} \stoptext This way, lining figures are enabled by default, and you can change to oldstyle figures locally. if you wna tit the other way round, just change the default feature to "onum=yes, lnum=no" and create a new feature for local lining figures with "onum=no, lnum=yes". Kind regards, Joshua