Just curious if anyone has any suggestions on the request below. I've
searched the list archives and found similar questions but, unfortunately,
no answers. The tables are going in an appendix of work and generally span
5-10 pages... clever (or ugly) hacks greatly appreciated!
On 3/8/06, Randall Skelton
Hi all,
I'm having a bit of trouble getting multiple page tables to work when also using \placetable for captions. Essentially, I want: (1) Captions and the ability to reference with \in[]. (2) Alignment within a cell at a decimal point. (3) Span multiple pages with header/footer.
I think I would prefer to use the standard 'TABLES' method but it looks like item 2 is only supported in natural tables?
Below are two examples. I don't get page breaks in either case and the table runs off the bottom of pages 2 and 3.
Thanks, Randall
\definepapersize [width=8.5in, height=11in]
\setupcaption[table] [location=top]
\section{Testing} This is a table test.
\placetable[page][tbl:sample] {Sample table caption goes here} {\start \switchtobodyfont[small] \starttablehead \HL \VL command \NC meaning \NC $\lambda$ (deg.) \VL\SR \HL \stoptablehead \starttabletail \HL \stoptabletail \starttables[|c|l|c|] \VL \tex{NC} \NC next column \NC 1.15 \VL\FR \VL \tex{HL} \NC horizontal line \NC 10.20 \VL\MR \VL \tex{VL} \NC vertical line \NC -14.30 \VL\MR \VL \tex{NR} \NC next row \NC -100.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{SR} \NC single row \NC 2.35 \VL\MR \VL \tex{FR} \NC first row \NC 159.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{MR} \NC middle row \NC -1.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{LR} \NC last row \NC nr \VL\MR \VL \tex{NC} \NC next column \NC 1.15 \VL\MR \VL \tex{HL} \NC horizontal line \NC 10.20 \VL\MR \VL \tex{VL} \NC vertical line \NC -14.30 \VL\MR \VL \tex{NR} \NC next row \NC -100.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{SR} \NC single row \NC 2.35 \VL\MR \VL \tex{FR} \NC first row \NC 159.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{MR} \NC middle row \NC -1.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{LR} \NC last row \NC nr \VL\MR \VL \tex{NC} \NC next column \NC 1.15 \VL\MR \VL \tex{HL} \NC horizontal line \NC 10.20 \VL\MR \VL \tex{VL} \NC vertical line \NC -14.30 \VL\MR \VL \tex{NR} \NC next row \NC -100.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{SR} \NC single row \NC 2.35 \VL\MR \VL \tex{FR} \NC first row \NC 159.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{MR} \NC middle row \NC -1.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{LR} \NC last row \NC nr \VL\MR \VL \tex{NC} \NC next column \NC 1.15 \VL\MR \VL \tex{HL} \NC horizontal line \NC 10.20 \VL\MR \VL \tex{VL} \NC vertical line \NC -14.30 \VL\MR \VL \tex{NR} \NC next row \NC -100.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{SR} \NC single row \NC 2.35 \VL\MR \VL \tex{FR} \NC first row \NC 159.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{MR} \NC middle row \NC -1.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{LR} \NC last row \NC nr \VL\MR \VL \tex{NC} \NC next column \NC 1.15 \VL\MR \VL \tex{HL} \NC horizontal line \NC 10.20 \VL\MR \VL \tex{VL} \NC vertical line \NC -14.30 \VL\MR \VL \tex{NR} \NC next row \NC -100.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{SR} \NC single row \NC 2.35 \VL\MR \VL \tex{FR} \NC first row \NC 159.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{MR} \NC middle row \NC -1.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{LR} \NC last row \NC nr \VL\MR \VL \tex{NC} \NC next column \NC 1.15 \VL\MR \VL \tex{HL} \NC horizontal line \NC 10.20 \VL\MR \VL \tex{VL} \NC vertical line \NC -14.30 \VL\MR \VL \tex{NR} \NC next row \NC -100.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{SR} \NC single row \NC 2.35 \VL\MR \VL \tex{FR} \NC first row \NC 159.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{MR} \NC middle row \NC -1.00 \VL\MR \VL \tex{LR} \NC last row \NC nr \VL\LR \stoptables \stop}
\section{Natural Testing} This is a natural table test.
\placetable[page][tbl:naturalSample] {Sample table caption goes here} {\start \switchtobodyfont[small] \bTABLE[split=repeat, splitmethod=a] % Outside border \setupTABLE[frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][first][leftframe=on] \setupTABLE[column][last][rightframe=on] \setupTABLE[row][first][topframe=on] \setupTABLE[row][last][bottomframe=on] % Heading line bottom rule \setupTABLE[row][first][bottomframe=on] % Alignment \setupTABLE[column][1][width=2.5cm,align=middle] \setupTABLE[column][2][width=2.5cm,align=right] \setupTABLE[column][3][width=2.5cm ,alignmentcharacter={.},aligncharacter=yes,align=middle] % Header \bTABLEhead \bTR\bTD command \eTD\bTD meaning \eTD\bTD $\lambda$ (deg.) \eTD\eTR \eTABLEhead % Body \bTABLEbody \bTR\bTD \tex{NC} \eTD\bTD next column \eTD\bTD 1.15\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{HL} \eTD\bTD horizontal line \eTD\bTD 10.20\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{VL} \eTD\bTD vertical line \eTD\bTD -14.30\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{NR} \eTD\bTD next row \eTD\bTD -100.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{SR} \eTD\bTD single row \eTD\bTD 2.35\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{FR} \eTD\bTD first row \eTD\bTD 159.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{MR} \eTD\bTD middle row \eTD\bTD -1.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{LR} \eTD\bTD last row \eTD\bTD nr \eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{NC} \eTD\bTD next column \eTD\bTD 1.15\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{HL} \eTD\bTD horizontal line \eTD\bTD 10.20\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{VL} \eTD\bTD vertical line \eTD\bTD -14.30\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{NR} \eTD\bTD next row \eTD\bTD -100.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{SR} \eTD\bTD single row \eTD\bTD 2.35\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{FR} \eTD\bTD first row \eTD\bTD 159.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{MR} \eTD\bTD middle row \eTD\bTD -1.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{LR} \eTD\bTD last row \eTD\bTD nr \eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{NC} \eTD\bTD next column \eTD\bTD 1.15\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{HL} \eTD\bTD horizontal line \eTD\bTD 10.20\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{VL} \eTD\bTD vertical line \eTD\bTD -14.30\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{NR} \eTD\bTD next row \eTD\bTD -100.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{SR} \eTD\bTD single row \eTD\bTD 2.35\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{FR} \eTD\bTD first row \eTD\bTD 159.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{MR} \eTD\bTD middle row \eTD\bTD -1.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{LR} \eTD\bTD last row \eTD\bTD nr \eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{NC} \eTD\bTD next column \eTD\bTD 1.15\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{HL} \eTD\bTD horizontal line \eTD\bTD 10.20\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{VL} \eTD\bTD vertical line \eTD\bTD -14.30\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{NR} \eTD\bTD next row \eTD\bTD -100.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{SR} \eTD\bTD single row \eTD\bTD 2.35\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{FR} \eTD\bTD first row \eTD\bTD 159.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{MR} \eTD\bTD middle row \eTD\bTD -1.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{LR} \eTD\bTD last row \eTD\bTD nr \eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{NC} \eTD\bTD next column \eTD\bTD 1.15\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{HL} \eTD\bTD horizontal line \eTD\bTD 10.20\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{VL} \eTD\bTD vertical line \eTD\bTD -14.30\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{NR} \eTD\bTD next row \eTD\bTD -100.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{SR} \eTD\bTD single row \eTD\bTD 2.35\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{FR} \eTD\bTD first row \eTD\bTD 159.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{MR} \eTD\bTD middle row \eTD\bTD -1.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{LR} \eTD\bTD last row \eTD\bTD nr \eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{NC} \eTD\bTD next column \eTD\bTD 1.15\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{HL} \eTD\bTD horizontal line \eTD\bTD 10.20\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{VL} \eTD\bTD vertical line \eTD\bTD -14.30\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{NR} \eTD\bTD next row \eTD\bTD -100.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{SR} \eTD\bTD single row \eTD\bTD 2.35\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{FR} \eTD\bTD first row \eTD\bTD 159.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{MR} \eTD\bTD middle row \eTD\bTD -1.00\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD \tex{LR} \eTD\bTD last row \eTD\bTD nr \eTD\eTR \eTABLEbody \eTABLE \stop}