Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:
I have just installed the latest version of m-bib. Where I had before a citation "alpher and bethe" with \cite[author] for a bib-item with two authors I get only the first now. What has to be changed in order to get two authors in the text while for more than two there will be "alpher et al."?
You have to update your base context distribution as well.
I have the same problem with the latest ConTeXt (ver:2006.08.08 21:51, fmt: 2006.8.8). The following example produces (Pound, 1959) as the citation in the text rather than giving (Pound and Rebka, 1959). If I use \cite[author][Pound-Rebka:1959] to make sure the style is 'author', then I get (Pound) in the text, with no year. Probably I'm doing something silly?
No, it is all my fault, sorry. For a quick fix, please add this \setupcite[authoryears][authoretallimit=2] to your document. I will upload a fixed version asap. Taco