On Sun, 30 Apr 2006 19:13:34 +0200, WN
Question 1) :
In my document I am using \setupcombinedlist[content][alternative=c,aligntitle=no,width=4em] and now I want to use the same layout for the list of figures but there is not something equivalent like \setupcombinedlist[figure][alternative=c,aligntitle=no,width=4em]
The TOC is a combination of several lists (chapter, section, etc.), but a LOF is a single list. Try: \setuplist[figure][alternative=c,aligntitle=no,width=4em] or: \placelist[figure][alternative=c,aligntitle=no,width=4em]
Question 2):
In my document I am also using \part and in the TOC the part number prefixes the pagenumber like
I want to get rid of the partnumbers which are prefixed to the pagenumbers so my TOC looks like
Deel I Klassieke Elektrodynamica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Try this: \completecontent[partnumber=no] Regards, BG