Hi: I'm trying to setup a simple (for now) letterhead like the following. Is there a way to automatically adjust the horizontal spacing between the \vbox{} \cbox{} \lbox{} so that if I change the document margins, the center box is automatically centered? I've tried putting in \hfill's without luck. \startenvironment \setuppapersize[letter][letter] \setuplayout[height=9in, header=1.0in, footer=0in, topspace=1in, backspace=1.33in, %the backspace includes the margin location=middle,marking=on] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=singlesided] \noheaderandfooterlines \setupbodyfont[cmr,12pt] \usesymbols[mvs] \setupsymbolset[martinvogel 2] \def\MyLetterhead% {%\showboxes \vbox{%\showboxes \hbox{%\showboxes \vbox{\hsize 3in \tfa Your neighborhood\crlf \scd{Company Store}} \lbox{\hsize 3.0in \txx \setupinterlinespace \it Our Friendly Motto} } \setupinterlinespace[line=.25ex] \hbox{ \vbox{ \setupinterlinespace[height=.5,top=.5,line=.1ex] \hsize 6.0in \thinrules[n=1, rulethickness=1.5pt] \crlf \thinrules[n=1, rulethickness=0.7pt]} } \hbox{ \tfx \setupinterlinespace[reset,medium] \vbox{ \hsize 1.5in \it www.mydomain.net\crlf email@mydomain.net\crlf contact@mydomain.net} \cbox{ \hsize 2.3in \symbol[star]~Va~\symbol[star]~Md~\symbol[star] \crlf \symbol[Telephone] (555)123-4567 \crlf \symbol[Faxmachine] (555)987-6543} \lbox{ \hsize 2.0in 1234 Main St.\crlf P.O. Box 123\crlf City, State 12345} } } \setupinterlinespace[reset] } \definelogo[Mylogo] [header] [left] [command=\MyLetterhead, state=stop] \stopenvironment