Dear ConTeXt users, In experimenting with (JavaScript) fields I tried the example on p. 11 in the up-to-date 1998/1 publication. I placed the check field not in the margin, but in the running text and discovered that \goto{Help}[JS(Toggle_Hide{Help})] does work if it is placed after \fitfield[Help], but that it does not work if it is placed before \fitfield[Help]. For the commands \goto{Hide Help}[HideField{Help}] and \goto{Show Help}[ShowField{Help}] their position relative to \fitfield[Help] does not matter. Would it be possible to make a command ToggleField, analagous to HideField and ShowField, whose position relative to \fitfield[Help} is not important? Thank you, Sytse %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Here is the complete example: \setupoutput[pdftex] \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \definefield[Help][check][Helpsetup][helpinfo][helpinfo] \setupfields[reset] \setupfield[Helpsetup][width=fit,height=fit,frame=off,option={readonly,hidden}] \definesymbol[helpinfo][\SomeHelpText] \def\SomeHelpText% {\framed [width=\leftmarginwidth,height=fit,align=middle,style=small, frame=on,background=color,backgroundcolor=white,framecolor=red] {Click on the hide button to remove this screen}} %\fitfield[Help] % if uncommented, all three \goto's work ok Now we can put the button somewhere and turn the help on or off by saying \goto{Hide Help}[HideField{Help}] or \goto{Show Help}[ShowField{Help}]. Although it's better to put these commands in a dedicated part of the screen. And try \goto{Help}[JS(Toggle_Hide{Help})]. \fitfield[Help] % \goto{Help}[JS(Toggle_Hide{Help})] does not work \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%