On 1 Jul 2021, at 07:02, Jan U. Hasecke
If we use the current lmtx distribution, all editors would have to install ConTeXt with the install.sh script on their private computers, then we would either call a post installation script to clone the repositories in texmf-project or to clone them in another folder and set links to texmf-project. Linking seems better as I am not sure what "context generate" would do with the .git folder inside the repositories.
One option you might try, if your cooperative has a web-server available to editors, is to store your own ConTeXt repository. That way you can update the LMTX version when you are ready to. This works because "install.sh" can have a "--server" parameter supplied. By default it goes to lmtx.pragma-ade.com/install-lmtx but if you were to copy the install-lmtx directory and host the copy on your own server at the same path, then you could 'freeze' your LMTX version until you were ready to change. Since editors might run the install.sh themselves, you would probably want to tweak your local copy of install.sh to only install from your own server. When a new version of LMTX comes out, and when you have the time, you can install normally on a test machine and run whatever regression tests you want. Once happy you take a fresh copy of "https://lmtx.pragma-ade.com/install-lmtx/texmf-context.zip" onto your server and ask your editors to run install.sh at their own convenience. — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK