Am 08.04.2009 um 16:11 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
On Wed, 8 Apr 2009, frantisek holop wrote:
hi there,
this is a quickie for the gurus: i would like to get an "inverted" identation, where the first line is not inverted but all the others are:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nibh ipsum, consectetur sit amet, pellentesque eget, egestas ac, ligula. Praesent ut sapien vel est pulvinar fringilla. Sed bibendum fermentum ante. Proin ipsum. Nulla in risus. Praesent nunc elit, laoreet at, viverra at, dapibus vel, purus. Mauris quis tellus. Nulla pharetra nulla quis lectus cursus placerat. In quis purus. Suspendisse molestie viverra elit. Nam eget tortor. Integer convallis erat rhoncus turpis.
There may be better ways to do this, but you can always fake it by negative indentation.
Tricky, it's possible with \hangindent/after but ... Wolfgang