On Fri, 1 Mar 2019 at 08:50, luigi scarso wrote:
$> context luatex mkiv lua stats > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: texmf-linux-64 mkiv lua stats > used engine: luatex version 1.1 with functionality level 7088, banner: this is luatex, version 1.10.0 (tex live 2019) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 53180 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > lua properties: engine: lua 5.3, used memory: 441 MB (ctx: 437 MB), hash chars: min(64,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 21.608 seconds, 294 processed pages, 294 shipped pages, 13.606 pages/second system | total runtime: 47.547 seconds
OK, strange. It works for me in TeX Live as well after I installed the missing dejavu fonts. I didn't imagine that it would break with such a strange error when a font is missing though.
( forget the time, it's a zero-optimized binary (fast to compile))
It takes even longer for me with the binary from the distribution.
In general: at every new release I have complains about "how deadly slow is texlive installation". On the other side , some could wonder why *DejaVu* are not installed by default regardless of engine/scheme.
You could wonder that for all the zillions of fonts that ship with TeX Live. Only CM is compulsory, the rest is up to user's taste. Mojca