Greetings all, I've been itching to stop using "Illustrator" and other programs to make the charts and graphs I wish to include in my ConTeXt-generated documents, and would like to get some advice on the matter. There is a special (albeit not well furnished) place in my heart for Tufte's /"Visual Display of Quantitative Information/", so I suppose I am always leaning towards that philosophy of chart-making. I came across Jean-luc Doumont's article /"Drawing effective (and beautiful) graphs with TeX*" [1]/, in which he refers to his macro package called JLdraw---and shows some pretty examples. JLdraw was in fact never generally released, although when I contacted him he was happy to send along the macro package. In beginning to tinker with them, I have not had much luck getting them to work within ConTeXt, undoubtedly due to my persistent naiveté. Thus I'm curious as to what others use... is R an efficient method to produce elegant charts? Is straight MetaPost preferable? Many thanks, David [1] http://www.tug.org/TUG99-web/pdf/doumont2.pdf