On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 08:49:30PM +0100, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
This is the answer of my context (version: 2013.05.28 00:36):
l.2 \definefontfamily [mainface][rm][Unifraktur Maguntia] ? h The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have …
Replace the \definefontfamily line with
\definetypeface [mainface] [rm] [specserif] [Unifraktur Maguntia] [default]
because the new font command was added last autumn and your TeXLive installation uses a older context version (not sure if the \feature command exists there).
Yes, your suggested replacement works well! Thank you.
I don't know, whether there apply in English texts the same rules as in German ones with respect to Fraktur or similar fonts. The written Knuth text (in the .pdf-file) would contain some right "s" at end of words and syllabs as in "Thus", "components", "activities" or the third "s" in successfull, but the rest of all the other "s" would be wrong.
What do you expect from a text with doesn’t contain any long s in the input.
Maybe your expecting from context to make the right choice for the s but there are cases where you won’t get the correct output and manual correction is necessary.
No, I don't expect contex to make the right choice for me instead! That won't be possible, of course: It ought to know, where syllables end. But then ... I'm asking me, why did you send me this Knuth-text with many wrong "s"es and without any quotation at all? Let's finish the discussion here. The subject was: "\quotation with yfrak-font?" and we went off course. I thank you, Wolfgang and Hraban, for having answered! Happy New Year to all contexters in the world! Rudolf