\setuppapersize [letter] [letter] \setuplayout[ backspace=0.5in, topspace=0.5in, header=0in, % No headers footer=0in, % Space for the footer width=middle, height=middle, ] \definefontfeature [default] [default] [trep=yes] \definefontfamily [TimesNewRoman] [rm] [Times New Roman] \definetypeface [TimesNewRoman] [mm] [math] [stixtwo] \setupbodyfont [TimesNewRoman,12pt] \mainlanguage[en-us] \setupindenting[yes,0.5in] \setupheads[indentnext=yes] % To get indentation after section numbers, use this \setuphead[part][ page=no, placehead=yes, numbercommand=\groupedcommand{}{.} % Add period after numbers ] \setuphead[chapter][ page=no, numbercommand=\groupedcommand{}{.} % Add period after numbers ] \setuphead[section, subsection, subsubsection, subsubsubsection, subsubsubsubsection][ numbercommand=\groupedcommand{}{.} % Add period after numbers ] \setuphead[part, chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection, subsubsubsection, subsubsubsubsection, subject, subsubject, subsubsubject, subsubsubsubject, subsubsubsubsection][ before=, after=, style=sc, % Small caps style align=middle, % Center the section titles ] % it seems that when I make this into setupheads and delete the first square braket set it will not result in what I want \startsetups document:start \centerline{\documentvariable{title}} \centerline{\documentvariable{author}} \centerline{\documentvariable{date}} \blank[line] \stopsetups \startdocument[title=Title,author=Author,date=Date] \startpart[title=one] \stoppart \startalignment[middle] {\sc 1. one} % there is added space as shwon when trying to emulate what I want through regular text \stopalignment \startchapter[title=two] \stopchapter \startpart[title=three] \stoppart \startchapter[title=four] \stopchapter \startsubject[title=five] \stopsubject \stopdocument with this code I'm trying to get it so that part, chapter, and the 5 section levels will have roman numerals. I read the docs but didn't get the result I wanted for roman numerals and can't seem to figure out how to get rid of the tiny space that is after the period in the section stuff. Would love an answer for this.