Hi, I am experimenting with using lua libraries with lmtx. I tried the following: 1. Download the lcomplex library (from http://webserver2.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/ar/lcomplex-100.tar.gz) 2. Untar and modify the Makefile so that LUA_TOPDIR points to the right location (/usr in my case). 3. Run make. This creates a complex.so file in the current directory. 4. Create a test file (and put complex.so in the same directory) \starttext \startluacode local complex=require("complex") z = complex.new(1,1); context("The absolute value of $z=%f + j%f$ is $%f$", z:real(), z:imag(), z:abs()); \stopluacode \stoptext This file runs correctly with mkiv, but when I try to run it with lmtx, I get the error lua error > lua error on line 8 in file /home/adityam/Software/lcomplex/lcomplex-100/test.tex: ...etatex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/l-package.lua:325: error loading module 'complex' from file './complex.so': ./complex.so: undefined symbol: lua_gettop Any idea why this is happening and what I can do to fix it? Aditya