Yves Cloutier schrieb am 14.03.2020 um 16:54:
I am trying to typeset source code for a custom programming language and would like to have the keywords in bold text.
I tried following the example found here regarding verbatim displays:
Specifically the C example, however this does not seem to work. No formatting is applied to my keywords.
Can you provide a minimal example what you have tried.
Just wondering if the way to do it has changed or if there are other examples I could look at to compare with what I'm doing.
\starttext \starttyping[escape=yes] This is /BTEX\bf formatted/ETEX text. \stoptyping \starttyping[escape={<<,>>}] This is <<\bf formatted>> text. \stoptyping \starttyping[escape={<!--,-->}] This is <!--\bf formatted--> text. \stoptyping \stoptext Wolfgang