On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 08:41:31AM +0100, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
This is (should be) correct. With LaTeX you can get the same with \usepackage{lmodern}
Well, for some strange reason, it doesn't use the LM fonts.
Support for LatinModern math has been added recently, so it might be that there are some bugs, but if there are bugs, it means that they have to be resolved before others have the same problems.
With direct conversion to PDF (so, without the --dvi switch), your problems seem to disappear.
The bug has to be resolved, but why not converting your EPS graphics into PDF and using pdfTeX (in pdf mode) instead? There should be an "epstopdf" script present in the TeX distribution among other "binaries".
Did that, and found that things are all right. I'll stop this thread now, since my problems seem to have been resolved; all but the ``slightly poorer'' display which I seem to have on Acrobat, which other's don't. But, as you say, using PDF graphics from epstopdf made things all right. Thanks a lot to all those who patiently replied! Kumar -- Kumar Appaiah, 462, Jamuna Hostel, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai - 600 036