I have some issues with different things but both inside itemized lists: 1. Framed text width is calculated not as I expect. The sample below makes framedtext box appear partially on right margin \setupcolors[state=start] \setuplayout[width=9cm] \showframe \starttext \startitemize[n,packed] \item A normal item paragraph, which normaly gets wrapped ok.\par \startframedtext[background=screen,frame=off,width=\textwidth] Some listing as framedtext whose width seems calculated incorrectly. \stopframedtext \stopitemize \stoptext In my docs I represent programlistings using these framedtexts and need them all to be the same width (\textwidth). Is there a way to make those framedtexts that appear inside itemization remain in boundaries? The same concerns tables (natural). 2. Another question with natural tables inside itemized list..If I set [split=repeat] or [split=yes] for table it is not correctly aligned inside itemized list. The below example shows this. \setuplayout[width=9cm] \showframe \starttext \startitemize[n,packed] \noindent \bTABLE \bTR \bTH Operation\eTH \bTH[align=middle] Result\eTH \eTR \bTR \bTD The "Librarian" application starts with the {\tt{}Index} page.\eTD \bTD[align=middle] OK \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD When clicking the links on the {\tt{}Index} page, the empty {\tt{}List\-All} and {\tt{}Add\-Book} pages open.\eTD \bTD[align=middle] OK \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \noindent \stopitemize \stoptext I'm currently obliged to have non-splittable tables in lists. tIs there a way to make it render better? Thank you in advance! -- Regards. Eugene Toporov