Dear Angel, V pet., 13. maj 2022 08:15 je oseba Angel M Alganza via ntg-context <> napisala:
I've just started upgrading some systems to OpenBSD 7.1 (released last month) and found out there isn't a link to download LMTX for OpenBSD 7.1 at
The wiki page was outdated. Can you please check again? (My browser refuses opening http links from an https site, I'm not sure if Hans configured https on his server.)
I then thought I'd try to see if the previous versions (for 6.9 or 6.8) would work on 7.1, but it turned out that all four links (for both 32bits and 64bits) won't work.
At the moment we only support 7.0 and 7.1 (32-binaries are still there, but unless someone needs them, we'll likely remove them). Mojca