Ok, aftre some test… It seem's that it's linked to the fonts… damn ! The value in « \definehspace[fr][footnote][-.2667\emspaceamount] » need to be negative, as I set it (work with my fontin_sans font, too big for lmodern font). Then I found two problems : — the space after is way too big :o) — how can I set other values of the \setupfootnotes ? I tried this : \setupfootnotes[textcommand={\hspace[footnote]\nobreak\high}, bodyfont=\tfxx, width=70mm] But I get an error. Here is a minimal test about footnotes. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \mainlanguage [fr] \language [fr] \usemodule [french] \setcharacterspacing [frenchpunctuation] \starttext \definehspace[fr][footnote][.1667\emspaceamount] \definehspace[footnote][\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{footnote}] \setupfootnotes[textcommand={\hspace[footnote]\nobreak\high}] This texte, with a footnote\footnote{there's a point just after}. \definehspace[fr][footnote][-.05\emspaceamount] \definehspace[footnote][\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{footnote}] \setupfootnotes[textcommand={\hspace[footnote]\nobreak\high}] Same thing, with a negative value\footnote{look at the space after…}. \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Cheers, Olivier. PS : Context version : 2008.09.21 22:31, luatex 0.29.0 beta. -- [Message tapé sur un clavier Bépo : http://www.clavier-dvorak.org ] http://nemolivier.blogspot.com