On Thu, 24 Nov 2011 13:32:04 -0700, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد
2. \placelistoftablescws produces an undefined control sequence: What am I missing here?
Experimenting from here, it seems there has been a protocol change: Given \definefloat we used to have \placelistoffloats with 's' at the end. Now it's just \placelistoffloat So the following now works: ============ \definefloat[tablecw] \setuplabeltext[tablecw=Table] \starttext \setupfloats[location=middle] \placetable [here] [tablecw:test]{A Regular Caption.} {\starttable[|c|c|c|] \HL \VL Test \VL Test \VL Test \VL\FR \HL \stoptable} \setupfloats[location=middle] \placetablecw [here] [tablecw:test]{An Alternate Caption.} {\starttable[|c|c|c|] \HL \VL Test \VL Test \VL Test \VL\FR \HL \stoptable} \placelistoftables \placelistoftablecw \stoptext ============ Still, a criterium=component option etc would be quite useful, as mentioned in another message ... Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shīʿī Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523