Hi all, there’s been a lot of changes lately to the Luatex SVN but the mirror on the Garden doesn’t appear to match pace. Here’s the experimental branch on the Garden and on supelec: http://git.contextgarden.net/context/luatex/commits/origin/experimental https://foundry.supelec.fr/scm/viewvc.php/branches/experimental/?root=luatex&sortby=date#dirlist Commits after 25 Apr are missing on the former. For example, the git svn clone on my machine has much more recent commits: * 6a9a4d7 - (HEAD, experimental, experimental) fixed a bug with braces (12 hours ago) <luigi> * a0780a1 - fixed wrong procedure keyword (29 hours ago) <luigi> * 0e4f41f - fixed the Lua stack (4 days ago) <luigi> * 4f4cb51 - sync with metapost TL 2014 (8 days ago) <luigi> * c0033b5 - add pdf_stream_filter_callback to lcallbacklib.c (8 days ago) <luigi> * 958dc74 - sync with trunk (2 weeks ago) <luigi> ... Perhaps a cron job is broken somewhere? Also I noticed that if I click the “compare” button on this form: http://git.contextgarden.net/context/luatex/compare?from=master&to=experimental I get a 500 (“We’re sorry, …”). Can anybody reproduce this? Best regards, Philipp