----- Original Message -----
From: "William D. Neumann"
On Mon, 16 Feb 2004, Gary Pajer wrote:
In the following code, the first formula typesets as I want, and the second doesn't. But the syntax in the second looks correct. Bug or feature? or setup problem?
\usemodule[nath] \starttext
$ y = (1 + \frac{}{a}{b}) $
$ y = (1 + \frac{a}{b}) $ \stoptext
What problem are you having? I tried this example and got the following output (only typset nicely, of course):
y = (1 + (/a)b) y = (1 + a/b)
Which appears to be the correct output. Are you using the current t-nath/t-amsl (from december 2003, I believe)?
I have the dec 03 t-nath and version 2003.12.10 ConTeXt. for the first line I get y=(1 + a/b) what I get for the second line is hard to type, but it's what you would expect from $y = (1 + a\frac{b}{)} $ so it's as if it's screwing up the arguments: looking for three of them, putting the first in front of the fraction, the second in the numerator and the third in the denom. I've tried several different examples. They all behave exactly as if the arguments are munged in this way. I must be doing something wrong. But I cut and pasted the code from the e-mail I sent out and processed it, and I got the error I describe. If I run it through LaTeX, I get what you describe (and what one would expect). It's odd that we get different results. FWIW I'm on WinXP using MikTeX but with a ConTeXt from pragma-ade installed in localtexmf. Oh ... I get the same wrong result on Mac OSX/teTeX/brand new ConTeXt. I must be doing something wrong. Clues? -gary