Am 30.03.2013 um 19:02 schrieb john Culleton
OK I am trying to be a good boy and use \component instead of \input in MKIV but my problem persists. I have a file called title.tex which should be followed on the next page (title verso) by the file copy.tex. but a blank page occurs between the two. Here is title.tex:
\startstandardmakeup[doublesided=no] \vskip .75in \midaligned{\tfd\ss\bf Inkscape} \vskip .30in \midaligned{\tfc\ss\bf for} \vskip .30in \midaligned{\tfd\ss\bf Book Cover Design} \vfil \midaligned{\tfb\ss\bf Open Source Solutions} \vskip .40in \midaligned{\tfb\ss\bf \authorname} \vskip .30in \midaligned{\bf \publisher} \stopstandardmakeup -------------------------------- And here is copy.tex: ----------------------------
\startstandardmakeup[page=no] {\bf \booktitle} {\obeylines Copyright \copyright\ 2013 \authorname
All rights reserved. \ISBN \vfil \publisher \street \citystatezip }
\stopstandardmakeup -------------------------------
I have tried \inputting the files and calling the files with \component. Can't get the blank page in between to disappear.
Add this line to your environment file: \setupmakeup[standard][page=] % default: page=right This line is necessary because standardmakeup block do force a right page by default. Wolfgang