12 Nov
12 Nov
8:34 p.m.
Dnia 2011-11-12, o godz. 21:31:02
Hans Hagen
On 12-11-2011 20:39, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Sat, 12 Nov 2011, Marcin Borkowski wrote:
hexadecimal (html like) transparencyfactor transparancyalternative spotcolorfactor extraspotcolorname (in pdf resource)
Wow, now it's more clear. Just one question: what are the "transparency alternatives"?
IIRC, they are documented in the metafun manual.
and in the pdf spec
none normal multiply screen overlay softlight hardlight colordodge colorburn darken lighten difference exclusion hue saturation color luminosity
Thanks a lot, they are there indeed! BTW (not ConTeXt-related): seemigly they are all rendered the same in evince. Best, -- Marcin Borkowski