On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Hans Hagen
luigi scarso wrote:
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 8:11 PM, Hans Hagen
wrote: Peter Münster wrote:
I would like to activate a remapper in a style or module file. How could this be done?
I tried this without success:
\defineremapper[filterItem] \remapcharacter[filterItem][`•]{\item} \appendtoks \startfilterItem \to \everystarttext \prependtoks \stopfilterItem \to \everystoptext
kep in mind that the remapper is just a hack and will not be extended etc
etc; i'm not going to handle interferences with other mechanisms
I think the point is this : in some situations one find useful to convert things like • in macros like \item . Of course, it can be done with preprocessing , or with some ad-hoc macros in lua code , etc So, apart \remapcharacter, are there any other safe ways to "remap character" ?
one solution mentioned was making that character active and then do an unexpanded def which makes it roundtrip safe; of course we should leave characters like : untouched
there was an article many years ago something like "Active characters -- No thank you"
the remapper works on all input and it might result in unwanted side effects .. imagine that someone defines symbol 1 as • and gets \item instead
this is true -- it's not a general solution it's a trick , it if you abuse then....
Maybe I'm not able to express what I mean . -- luigi