Dne sobota 29. decembra 2007 je Idris Samawi Hamid napisal(a):
Attached is the text file I use for Notepad++. It's (almost) complete and based on Hans' Scite files.
Hi, Idris! Thanks :] I'll need to add the brackets in myself, but that's the least I can do to give back to the ConTeXt community!
I miss Kate and hope to check it out again whenever I get time to play with Linux again (it's been about four years).
Kate doesn't use the autocompletion itself, but if we manage to completely ConTeXt-ify Kile (which uses Kate), it will be one sweet ride :] Dne sobota 29. decembra 2007 je Mojca Miklavec napisal(a):
Do you know http://texshow.contextgarden.net/? (not that you can use it directly, but only to see ...)
No, I didn't. Thanks for the link :D Are there all the currently valid commands listed?
Once you have the basic syntax ready: can you also convince the developers to support a list of what's allowed inside [options]? For example, it might be that only \setupsomething[style=bold|italic|slanted|\command,strut=yes|no] is allowed.
From what I saw this is not yet implemented in Kile — not even for LaTeX or pure TeX. But the idea is really great, so I'll try my best to conveince them. Cheers, Matija -- gsm: +386 41 849 552 e-mail: matija.suklje@rutka.net www: http://matija.suklje.name aim: hookofsilver icq: 110183360 jabber/g-talk: matija.suklje@gabbler.org msn: matija.suklje@rutka.net yahoo: matija_suklje