10 Apr
10 Apr
6:10 a.m.
On Apr 9, 2005, at 11:19 PM, Paul Tremblay wrote:
I am trying to create a table with the middle cell merged vertically. I am trying to draw bottom lines for the left and right columns:
\placetable[here][tab:insurance]{Percentage of People without health insurance in US} \starttable[|l w(30mm)|l|l|] \HL \VL State \VL 3-year average(2001-2003) \VL 2-year average(2001-2002) \VL\SR \HL[4] \VL Alabama \VL 13.3 \VL 13.5 \VL\FR \DL \DC \DL \DR
The \DL has an explicit \DC in it, so the line should be: \DL \DL \DR Steve