Am 08.09.23 um 17:02 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
We can discuss the details next week and you put the resulting template on the wiki.
Ah, I guess I understand the template mechanism. Yet again glorious setups. Will probably manage.
So far: \definepageinjection[chapter:start][ page=left, alternative=setups, setups=frontispiz, color=white, background=color, backgroundcolor=Eifel, ] \startsetups[frontispiz] \starttransparent[tlumi]% \externalfigure[\structureuservariable{image}][ width=\measure{MaxWidth}, ]% \stoptransparent% \stopsetups \setuphead[chapter][ page=right, style=\ChapterFont, beforesection={\pageinjection[chapter:start]}, command=\ChapterStart, before={\startcolumnset[Spalten]}, after={\vskip-\lineheight}, % fix column start inbetween=, aftersection={\stopcolumnset}, ] \startchapter[title={Prolog 2: Reiseführer}][ motto={(quotation.}}, % used in \ChapterStart image={00 Lavakeller Mendig g}, % wrong blank=2, ] Not a MWE, I know. Here’s a screenshot: https://yemaya.fiee.net/s/G2NcwE8qQrLAx8B (Funny, I never needed all of before, after, beforesection and aftersection so far.) The injection is a frame, that’s great, because I can set the background, and \externalfigure starts at (0,0). But it uses its own page size, I don’t understand why. I need the bleed/trim area. If I use \setlayer in the setup, the content gets placed on the next page, i.e. under the text. \structureuservariable{image} in the setup gets the value from the _next_ chapter. Maybe the approach in from the source with \dummyparameter\c!name would work better, but I don’t know how to transfer it. Hraban