Hello Joachim,
Hello context-helpers for newbie:
in the documents planned (in and over the Westphalian language) I wish to use many margin notes (word translations, exlanations etc.). The margin notes should be numbered with reference number (or other indication) in the text body. And I should be able to input utf-8 (because of umlaute and phonetical notations, IPA etc.).
Therefore I installed some week ago => MacTeX on my MacBook Pro with OSX 10.4 (Tiger) and would like to use => ConTeXt, possibly within => TexShop (or elsewise, if better).
But I need a lot of start-up help. Therefore I put the main questions of the moment here hoping, that some take pity with me and answer the one or the other of the following questions:
1. Installation of ConTeXt complete and actual?
Has MacTeX braught me with it the main components of the ConTeXt system or should I update/complete it and how?
texexec --version TeXExec | version 6.2.0 - 1997-2006 - PRAGMA ADE/POD
What is the result from "ctxtools --contextversion"
2. How to switch to the German commands in ConTeXt?
(Perheps that might help me a little to learn and remember commands. Therefore I want to switch if possible now at the beginning.)
Don't do this, the german interface is not complete, new commands have english names and a few entries need better names and it would be hard for us to help you.
3. How to setup page/layout dimensions?
Because of the work with margin notes as a form of ever present accompanying, helping side text for the reader and learner, I need say ==> the third width of the right page for the margin notes. I read the applying chapters and passages in Hans Hagen's "ConTEXt the manual" (November 12, 2001) several times, but I couldn't get it yet.
\setuplayout [backspace=2cm, width=10cm, rightmargin=8cm, ...] Give us more information about your layout.
4. How to set up => numbered margin notes and, thereover, => prevent, that they are printed one over the other, when there is not enough space between the referenced words/phrases in the text body?
Try the following code from Hans: \definenote [glossary] [way=bypage, location={page,high}, factor=0, width=\leftmarginwidth, scope=page, %conversion=ownnote, %numbercommand=, %textcommand=, textstyle=, rule=, before=, after=] \setupnotedefinition [glossary] [location=left, width=fit, distance=.5em, align={right,tolerant,stretch}, headstyle=bold, hang=1] \setuplayout [width=middle, height=middle, backspace=5cm, margin=4cm, margindistance=.25cm, cutspace=2cm] \setuptexttexts [margin] [\setups{glossary}] [\setups{glossary}] \startsetups glossary \vbox to \textheight {\placenotes[glossary]\vfill} \stopsetups \starttext dog\glossary{Hund} \input knuth cat\glossary{Katze} \stoptext
5. How to find and learn the possible options to the commands?
The few commands and options I found yet were token from the manuals, but this was rather trial and error.
- texshow-web: http://texshow.contextgarden.net/ - Quick References: http://pragma-ade.nl/show-man-10.htm - The source files
I attach the (abbreviated) Example of my first Text with ConTeXt, so that you can better see, what my most needed help could be (fo to come to an output with bride (right) margin and automatically numbered margin notes).
Replace "..." with \unknown Use \quotation{my quoted text} instead of "my quoted text"
The attached TeX file gave the pdf output, but nevertheless texexec (or what ever) gives me a FAILED message in the TexShop Console:
### /usr/texbin/dvips -R -Poutline -o /tmp/altpdflatex. 1646-1211465898/LyraV-TShop-source-u.ps LyraV-TShop-source-u.dvi This is dvips(k) 5.96 Copyright 2005 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) /usr/texbin/dvips: ! DVI file can't be opened. ### FAILED to generate /tmp/altpdflatex.1646-1211465898/LyraV-TShop- source-u.ps ()
Looks like a old ConTeXt version.
Any help suggestions also for that?
Thank you for reading my cry fore help, best wishes, "Met echt-westfälsken Gröiten" joachim
Pfiat di Wolfgang