On Sunday 06 June 2010 23:20:29 Yury G. Kudryashov wrote:
1. You want Introduction in the table of contents. Then you should copy section to another head, and setup it with number=no (have no time to test):
\definehead[secnonum][section] \setuphead[secnonum][number=no] \secnonum{Introduction}
This is flexible, but is this really elegant? Would it not be better (i.e. intuitive) to be able to simply type: \section [number=no] {Introduction} After all, one feature that I *really* like about ConTeXt is inheritance and default options that can be fixed through \setupsomething, or through a case by case basis. Unnumbered sections is the default within \startfrontmatter \stopfrontmatter However, it is quite logical to also have unnumbered Introduction (and Conclusions) in the body of the work that are to appear in the table of contents as well. In a work using \part, the same can apply to \chapter. Alan