On Nov 24, 2007, at 11:30 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
\define\sln {\externalfigure[presentations/07_11_23.pdf][page= \currentSlideNumber]\incrementSlideNumber}
does it work with simple filenames? like abc.pdf?
Thank you, Hans. Wolfgang Schuster was kind enough to help me off- list; he provided a solution that works wonderfully. If anybody is interested, here's the relevant code: \def\CurPres#1{\gdef\doCurPres{#1}} \def\sln {\blank[line] \incrementSlideNumber % vor dem Bild notwendig? \midaligned{\externalfigure[\doCurPres] [page={\getnumber[SlideNumber]},width=.75\textwidth]} \blank[line]} and in order to provide the translation xml --> ConTeXt: \defineXMLargument [present] \CurPres Not sure if this is of interest to anybody; if it is, I'll wikify it. All best, and thanks to Wolfgang! Thomas