Hello All! To send variable contents from context to luacode I can put them into the function invocation or use 'tokens.getters.macro("TestA")', an interesting and very nice possibility to let luacode itself getting contents of context macros. The (only?) way back, from luacode to context, could be done by 'tokens.setters.macro("TestA","a")' [1] . Now, to store Luacode's variable contents permanently in context programs I could Luacode let copy my ConTeXt program to another place on disk with a newly defined macro inside. But, does somebody know (by chance) of another, more elegant possibility? I think giving back a value by "return" won't work. Best wishes, Rudolf [1] Hans Hagen, "ConTeXt Lua Documents", January 12, 2018, 7.4, page 63