Hello Mari,
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 15:33, Jan Heinen
wrote: It's not perfekt jet - but it helps to get more information to each command and to integrate the wiki and the mailinglist. What do you think about this and could it be improved?
I really like it!
concerning the mailing list part - could it be possible to easily sort the results by date or even filter them?
But in general this is already a great improvement, thank you! Mari
Thank you very much for your nice feedback! And you are right - sorting the results from newest to oldest would be an improvement. And I just changed the code a littlebit - and now you will find everything in the mailinglist starting at the ConTeXt-commands in the Wiki. Try it: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Category:Commands With a little help of some ConTeXters more ... we can improve the ConTeXt-documentation much more. At this point you can help to categorize some commands: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Category:Commands Regards Jannis -- Better organization and integration of all ConTeXT-information: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Category:ConTeXt ............ All information arround ConTeXt http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Category:Commands ........ Commands !!! new: "One-Click" from every command in the wiki to the rich resources of the ConTeXt-mailinglist