Hi all, since yesterday, the installation of the minimals on linux armhf doesn't work anymore. On a fresh system, after "sh ./first-setup.sh" I get: receiving incremental file list bin/ bin/luatex bin/mtx-update.lua bin/mtxrun bin/texlua -> luatex sent 92 bytes received 8,631,278 bytes 1,150,849.33 bytes/sec total size is 8,628,902 speedup is 1.00 ./bin/mtxrun:2763: attempt to index global 'fio' (a nil value) When you want to use context, you need to initialize the tree by typing: . /usr/local/context/tex/setuptex in your shell or add "/usr/local/context/tex/texmf-linux-armhf/bin" to PATH variable if you want to set it permanently. This can usually be done in .bashrc, .bash_profile (or whatever file is used to initialize your shell). I suspect, the new mtxrun binary doesn't match the rather old luatex (1.0.0) Greetings Lutz P.S. I could provide luatex and luajittext binaries for armhf (experimental or trunk)