Hello @list,

I have an unwanted output that might be a bug in my bibliographies.
Consider this MWE :



   editor = {Martin Ivernel and Benjamin Villemagne and Jean Hubac},
   title = {Histoire Géographie EMC 5\high{ème}, cycle 4},
   publisher = {Hatier},
   address = {Paris},
   year = {2016},
   pagetotal = {398},
   language = {french}



As you can see, we get Ème in the output instead of ème.
Is this a bug, or did I miss something?


Damien Thiriet


same issue here with \low and \lohi – I don't know if it is a bug or for purpose.

But there is a simple workaround:

Dirty workaround: \high{\color[white]{e}\hskip-1.3ex ème}
Maybe better: \lohi{\color[white]{b}}{ème}

Huseyin Özoguz

E-Mail: h.oezoguz@mmnetz.de