Hello, I came across the following obscure math/color namespace clash: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \definecolor [tan] [h=d2b48c] % Taken from \setupcolor [x11] \starttext $\tan θ$ \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% One solution would be to give precedence in math mode to the standard mathematical tokens (here \tan). Another solution would be simply to avoid the use of "tan" (as a color). In colo-imp-x11.mkiv it could be renamed "tan0" (there is already tan1, tan2, tan3). This is somewhat unfortunate as "tan" is a standard X11 color name. On the other hand, one would like to be able to use colors in math mode as well... So I propose the following patch: 121c121 < \definecolor [tan0] [h=d2b48c] % ! namespace clash with $\tan$ ---
\definecolor [tan] [h=d2b48c]