On 2016-03-02 02:14:33 +0000, Aditya Mahajan said:
I do not load the default vimrc, because that drastically slows down the module.
That makes sense. So, Vim is run with something like `vim -u NONE`, I guess.
Instead, there is an option to create a specific vimrc using:
\startvimrc[name=pgsql] let g:sql_type_default='pgsql' \stopvimrc
and then
\definevimtyping[SQL][..., vimrc=pgsql, ...]
By default, the script searches everything in `runtimepath`. If your local vim folder is not in runtimepath, you can set the runtimepath in the vimrc above.
I had to set both runtimepath and nocompatible. Maybe this should be noted in the docs, or the module could run `vim -u NONE -N` (who needs compatible nowadays?). So, for future reference, this works: \startvimrc[name=pgsql] set nocompatible set runtimepath+=~/.vim/bundle/pgsql let g:sql_type_default='pgsql' % ... \stopvimrc
2) Are pscolor and blackandwhite the only possibilities to customize the colors? This is important, I need the syntax highlighting to match my document's colors.
It is relatively easy to tune the color scheme. See, for example how pscolor is defined: https://github.com/adityam/filter/blob/cc9d9017bfdd7fe0d67b4723570e960ec6c52...
You can create similar mappings for your favorite color scheme (It does require a bit of knowledge of vim syntax groups).
Perfect, thanks!
Finally, your Readme tells to use \definevimtyping[...][...], but I have found that I need to use put all the options together: \defienvimtyping[...].
What I mean is \definevimtyping[SQL][numbering=on], etc.
Ops, dumb oversight on my part. Thanks for your help and your amazing module, Nicola