On 1 août 2012, at 14:44, "Rogers, Michael K"
If you like, add these three lines to the beginning of your .tex file to force TeXShop to use ConTeXt-CLD:
------------CUT HERE-------------- --[[ %!TEX TS-program = ConTeXt-CLD ]]-- ------------CUT HERE--------------
You need all three lines. The TeX comment has to be enclosed in a Lua comment. The double hyphen after the "]]" is optional, I think, but I've seen it done that way. (As a neophyte, I imitate.)
Thanks for the information: indeed the three lines above allow a CLD code in a TEX file to be typeset by ConTeXt, using the TeXShop engine created with your indications. By the way, as you guessed the third line can be either ]]-- or ]]
@Hans, the problem with TeXShop is that it seems to refuse to process files whose names do not end in .tex, AFAIK. (The typeset button is disabled.) So a straightforward solution seems impossible. You can always type "context file.cld" in a terminal window.
Best regards: OK