All - I am experiencing some strange behavior with external graphics. I use one file to setup all the graphics for later inclusion. All that is in the file is a bunch of "\useexternalgraphics" statements, so I can reference the graphics by name later. The problem comes when I try to use "\placefigure" instead of "\externalfigure". Here is an example: Figure setup: \useexternalfigure[Figure 1][Figure1][scale=520,type=pdf,factr=broad] % This sets up the file 'Figure1.pdf' for later inclusion If I then reference it using \externalfigure[Figure 1] the figure is included at the spot following the text, and fits on the remainder of the page, which is what I want. But if I try to add a caption to it by using \placefigure [force][] {} {\externalfigure[Figure 1][Figure 1]} the figure gets the caption, but always is placed on the top of the following page. Why is this? -- Mark Almeida mark.almeida@sun.com Solutions Architect (707)398-9524/x81132 Sun Client Solutions (707)429-0341 Home Office (707)480-5038 Cell